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Python API


Writing your own Python scripts offers a rich programming environment with complete control over all aspects of the emulation.

The scripts need to be ran with root privileges because they create new network namespaces. In general, a CORE Python script does not connect to the CORE daemon, in fact the core-daemon is just another Python script that uses the CORE Python modules and exchanges messages with the GUI.


Node Models

When creating nodes of type core.nodes.base.CoreNode these are the default models and the services they map to.

  • mdr
    • zebra, OSPFv3MDR, IPForward
  • PC
    • DefaultRoute
  • router
    • zebra, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IPForward
  • host
    • DefaultRoute, SSH

Interface Helper

There is an interface helper class that can be leveraged for convenience when creating interface data for nodes. Alternatively one can manually create a class instead with appropriate information.

Manually creating interface data:

from import InterfaceData

# id is optional and will set to the next available id
# name is optional and will default to eth<id>
# mac is optional and will result in a randomly generated mac
iface_data = InterfaceData(

Leveraging the interface prefixes helper class:

from import IpPrefixes

ip_prefixes = IpPrefixes(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64")
# node is used to get an ip4/ip6 address indexed from within the above prefixes
# name is optional and would default to eth<id>
# mac is optional and will result in a randomly generated mac
iface_data = ip_prefixes.create_iface(
    node=node, name="eth0", mac="00:00:00:00:aa:00"

Listening to Events

Various events that can occur within a session can be listened to.

Event types:

  • session - events for changes in session state and mobility start/stop/pause
  • node - events for node movements and icon changes
  • link - events for link configuration changes and wireless link add/delete
  • config - configuration events when legacy gui joins a session
  • alert - alert events
  • file - file events when the legacy gui joins a session
from import EventData, AlertData, LinkData, NodeData

def event_listener(event):

# add an event listener to event type you want to listen to
# each handler will receive an object unique to that type
session.broadcast_manager.add_handler(NodeData, event_listener)
session.broadcast_manager.add_handler(LinkData, event_listener)
session.broadcast_manager.add_handler(EventData, event_listener)
session.broadcast_manager.add_handler(AlertData, event_listener)

Links can be configured at the time of creation or during runtime.

Currently supported configuration options:

  • bandwidth (bps)
  • delay (us)
  • dup (%)
  • jitter (us)
  • loss (%)
from import LinkOptions

# configuring when creating a link
options = LinkOptions(
session.add_link(n1_id, n2_id, iface1_data, iface2_data, options)

# configuring during runtime
session.update_link(n1_id, n2_id, iface1_id, iface2_id, options)

Peer to Peer Example

# required imports
from core.emulator.coreemu import CoreEmu
from import IpPrefixes
from core.emulator.enumerations import EventTypes
from core.nodes.base import CoreNode, Position

# ip nerator for example
ip_prefixes = IpPrefixes(ip4_prefix="")

# create emulator instance for creating sessions and utility methods
coreemu = CoreEmu()
session = coreemu.create_session()

# must be in configuration state for nodes to start, when using "node_add" below

# create nodes
position = Position(x=100, y=100)
n1 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position)
position = Position(x=300, y=100)
n2 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position)

# link nodes together
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n1)
iface2 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n2)
session.add_link(,, iface1, iface2)

# start session

# do whatever you like here
input("press enter to shutdown")

# stop session

Switch/Hub Example

# required imports
from core.emulator.coreemu import CoreEmu
from import IpPrefixes
from core.emulator.enumerations import EventTypes
from core.nodes.base import CoreNode, Position
from import SwitchNode

# ip nerator for example
ip_prefixes = IpPrefixes(ip4_prefix="")

# create emulator instance for creating sessions and utility methods
coreemu = CoreEmu()
session = coreemu.create_session()

# must be in configuration state for nodes to start, when using "node_add" below

# create switch
position = Position(x=200, y=200)
switch = session.add_node(SwitchNode, position=position)

# create nodes
position = Position(x=100, y=100)
n1 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position)
position = Position(x=300, y=100)
n2 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position)

# link nodes to switch
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n1)
session.add_link(,, iface1)
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n2)
session.add_link(,, iface1)

# start session

# do whatever you like here
input("press enter to shutdown")

# stop session

WLAN Example

# required imports
from core.emulator.coreemu import CoreEmu
from import IpPrefixes
from core.emulator.enumerations import EventTypes
from core.location.mobility import BasicRangeModel
from core.nodes.base import CoreNode, Position
from import WlanNode

# ip nerator for example
ip_prefixes = IpPrefixes(ip4_prefix="")

# create emulator instance for creating sessions and utility methods
coreemu = CoreEmu()
session = coreemu.create_session()

# must be in configuration state for nodes to start, when using "node_add" below

# create wlan
position = Position(x=200, y=200)
wlan = session.add_node(WlanNode, position=position)

# create nodes
options = CoreNode.create_options()
options.model = "mdr"
position = Position(x=100, y=100)
n1 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position, options=options)
position = Position(x=300, y=100)
n2 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position, options=options)

# configuring wlan
session.mobility.set_model_config(,, {
    "range": "280",
    "bandwidth": "55000000",
    "delay": "6000",
    "jitter": "5",
    "error": "5",

# link nodes to wlan
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n1)
session.add_link(,, iface1)
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n2)
session.add_link(,, iface1)

# start session

# do whatever you like here
input("press enter to shutdown")

# stop session

EMANE Example

For EMANE you can import and use one of the existing models and use its name for configuration.

Current models:

  • core.emane.ieee80211abg.EmaneIeee80211abgModel
  • core.emane.rfpipe.EmaneRfPipeModel
  • core.emane.tdma.EmaneTdmaModel
  • core.emane.bypass.EmaneBypassModel

Their configurations options are driven dynamically from parsed EMANE manifest files from the installed version of EMANE.

Options and their purpose can be found at the EMANE Wiki.

If configuring EMANE global settings or model mac/phy specific settings, any value not provided will use the defaults. When no configuration is used, the defaults are used.

# required imports
from core.emane.models.ieee80211abg import EmaneIeee80211abgModel
from core.emane.nodes import EmaneNet
from core.emulator.coreemu import CoreEmu
from import IpPrefixes
from core.emulator.enumerations import EventTypes
from core.nodes.base import CoreNode, Position

# ip nerator for example
ip_prefixes = IpPrefixes(ip4_prefix="")

# create emulator instance for creating sessions and utility methods
coreemu = CoreEmu()
session = coreemu.create_session()

# location information is required to be set for emane
session.location.setrefgeo(47.57917, -122.13232, 2.0)
session.location.refscale = 150.0

# must be in configuration state for nodes to start, when using "node_add" below

# create emane
options = EmaneNet.create_options()
options.emane_model =
position = Position(x=200, y=200)
emane = session.add_node(EmaneNet, position=position, options=options)

# create nodes
options = CoreNode.create_options()
options.model = "mdr"
position = Position(x=100, y=100)
n1 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position, options=options)
position = Position(x=300, y=100)
n2 = session.add_node(CoreNode, position=position, options=options)

# configure emane model using a dict, which currently support values as strings
session.emane.set_config(,, {
    "eventservicettl": "2",
    "unicastrate": "3",

# link nodes to emane
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n1)
session.add_link(,, iface1)
iface1 = ip_prefixes.create_iface(n2)
session.add_link(,, iface1)

# start session

# do whatever you like here
input("press enter to shutdown")

# stop session

EMANE Model Configuration:

from core import utils

# standardized way to retrieve an appropriate config id
# iface id can be omitted, to allow a general configuration for a model, per node
config_id = utils.iface_config_id(, iface_id)
# set emane configuration for the config id
session.emane.set_config(config_id,, {
    "unicastrate": "3",

Configuring a Service

Services help generate and run bash scripts on nodes for a given purpose.

Configuring the templates of a service results in a specific hard coded script being generated, instead of the default scripts, that may leverage dynamic generation.

The following features can be configured for a service:

  • files - files that will be generated
  • directories - directories that will be mounted unique to the node
  • startup - commands to run start a service
  • validate - commands to run to validate a service
  • shutdown - commands to run to stop a service

Editing service properties:

# configure a service, for a node, for a given session
node = session.get_node(node_id, CoreNode)
service =[service_name]
service.files = ["", ""]
service.directories = ["/etc/node"]
service.startup = ["bash"]
service.validate = []
service.shutdown = []

When editing a service file, it must be the name of file that the service will generate.

Editing a service file:

# to edit the contents of a generated file you can specify
# the service, the file name, and its contents
node = session.get_node(node_id, CoreNode)
service =[service_name]
service.set_template(file_name, "echo hello")

File Examples

File versions of the network examples can be found here.

Executing Scripts from GUI

To execute a python script from a GUI you need have the following.

The builtin name check here to know it is being executed from the GUI, this can be avoided if your script does not use a name check.

if __name__ in ["__main__", "__builtin__"]:

A script can add sessions to the core-daemon. A global coreemu variable is exposed to the script pointing to the CoreEmu object.

The example below has a fallback to a new CoreEmu object, in the case you would like to run the script standalone, outside of the core-daemon.

coreemu = globals().get("coreemu") or CoreEmu()
session = coreemu.create_session()