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EMANE Emulation Event Log (EEL) Generator


Introduction to using the EMANE event service and eel files to provide events.

EMANE Demo 1 for more specifics.

Run Demo

  1. Select Open... within the GUI
  2. Load emane-demo-eel.xml
  3. Click Start Button
  4. After startup completes, double click n1 to bring up the nodes terminal

Example Demo

This demo will go over defining an EMANE event service and eel file to drive an emane event service.

Viewing Events

On n1 we will use the EMANE event dump utility to listen to events.

root@n1:/tmp/pycore.46777/n1.conf# emaneevent-dump -i ctrl0

Sending Events

On the host machine we will create the following files and start the EMANE event service targeting the control network.


Make sure to set the eventservicedevice to the proper control network value

Create eventservice.xml with the following contents.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE eventservice SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/eventservice.dtd">
    <param name="eventservicegroup" value=""/>
    <param name="eventservicedevice" value="b.9001.f"/>
    <generator definition="eelgenerator.xml"/>

Next we will create the eelgenerator.xml file. The EEL Generator is actually a plugin that loads sentence parsing plugins. The sentence parsing plugins know how to convert certain sentences, in this case commeffect, location, velocity, orientation, pathloss and antennaprofile sentences, into their corresponding emane event equivalents.

  • commeffect:eelloadercommeffect:delta
  • location,velocity,orientation:eelloaderlocation:delta
  • pathloss:eelloaderpathloss:delta
  • antennaprofile:eelloaderantennaprofile:delta

These configuration items tell the EEL Generator which sentences to map to which plugin and whether to issue delta or full updates.

Create eelgenerator.xml with the following contents.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE eventgenerator SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/eventgenerator.dtd">
<eventgenerator library="eelgenerator">
    <param name="inputfile" value="scenario.eel"/>
    <paramlist name="loader">
        <item value="commeffect:eelloadercommeffect:delta"/>
        <item value="location,velocity,orientation:eelloaderlocation:delta"/>
        <item value="pathloss:eelloaderpathloss:delta"/>
        <item value="antennaprofile:eelloaderantennaprofile:delta"/>

Finally, create scenario.eel with the following contents.

0.0  nem:1 pathloss nem:2,90.0
0.0  nem:2 pathloss nem:1,90.0
0.0  nem:1 location gps 40.031075,-74.523518,3.000000
0.0  nem:2 location gps 40.031165,-74.523412,3.000000

Start the EMANE event service using the files created above.

emaneeventservice eventservice.xml -l 3

Sent Events

If we go back to look at our original terminal we will see the events logged out to the terminal.

root@n1:/tmp/pycore.46777/n1.conf# emaneevent-dump -i ctrl0
[1601858142.917224] nem: 0 event: 100 len: 66 seq: 1 [Location]
 UUID: 0af267be-17d3-4103-9f76-6f697e13bcec
   (1, {'latitude': 40.031075, 'altitude': 3.0, 'longitude': -74.823518})
   (2, {'latitude': 40.031165, 'altitude': 3.0, 'longitude': -74.523412})
[1601858142.917466] nem: 1 event: 101 len: 14 seq: 2 [Pathloss]
 UUID: 0af267be-17d3-4103-9f76-6f697e13bcec
   (2, {'forward': 90.0, 'reverse': 90.0})
[1601858142.917889] nem: 2 event: 101 len: 14 seq: 3 [Pathloss]
 UUID: 0af267be-17d3-4103-9f76-6f697e13bcec
   (1, {'forward': 90.0, 'reverse': 90.0})