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Install Docker


CORE can be installed into and ran from a Docker container. This section will cover how you can build and run CORE from a Docker based image.

Build Image

You can leverage one of the provided Dockerfiles to build a CORE based image. Since CORE nodes will leverage software available within the system for a given use case, make sure to update and build the Dockerfile with desired software.

The example Dockerfiles are not meant to be an end all solution, but a solid starting point for running CORE.

Provided Dockerfiles:

  • Dockerfile.emane-python - Build EMANE python bindings for use in files below
  • Dockerfile.rocky - Rocky Linux 8, CORE from latest package, OSPF MDR, and EMANE
  • Dockerfile.ubuntu - Ubuntu 22.04, CORE from latest package, OSPF MDR, and EMANE
# clone core
git clone
cd core
# first you must build EMANE python bindings
sudo docker build -t emane-python -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.emane-python .
# build desired CORE image, OSPF is a build stage dependency within the file
sudo docker build -t core -f dockerfiles/<Dockerfile> .

Run Container

There are some required parameters when starting a CORE based Docker container for CORE to function properly. These are shown below in the run command.

# start container into the background and run the core-daemon by default
sudo docker run -itd --name core -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
    --privileged --init --entrypoint /opt/core/venv/bin/core-daemon core
# enable xhost access to the root user, this will allow you to run the core-gui from the container
xhost +local:root
# launch core-gui from the running container launched previously
sudo docker exec -it core core-gui